Saturday, September 22, 2012

Day 186/365

     My day yesterday ran pretty late, and by the time I got home I pretty much headed straight for bed since I had an early start this morning too. Before I covered football last night, I went out to Bay City to take pictures of a young girl who's been diagnosed with kidney failure. A reporter and I met with her and her mother so that he could interview them while I got some photos. Her mother has been working nonstop to find her a possible kidney donor: from going to local churches and asking for prayers, standing outside of major shopping centers with a sign for hours on end, to contacting the paper about doing a story. If she doesn't find a donor soon, her daughter, Jessica, will have to start dialysis.

     Jessica has to be one of the coolest kids I've ever met; you'd never know from her attitude that she's sick. When her mom was telling the reporter how strong she's been throughout this entire ordeal, Jessica commented with something along the lines of, "Why do people always say that? Am I supposed to be weak?" I loved her attitude, and I have a feeling that she'll be finding a donor soon. I was ready to give her one of my kidneys after the first five minutes of talking to her, and I think other people will too after finding out about her.

     The photo I posted for Friday/yesterday/day 186 is of Jessica holding her mother's hand after she got a bit emotional while talking about all that Jessica's had to go through after being diagnosed. You can see the other photos I took on MLive here, and once the story's posted in a few days there should be a link to the article underneath the photos as well. 

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