Today was an interesting day, to say the least. I took pictures of a thrift store in Saginaw this morning, one that sells everything from clothes and jewelry to food and fishing bait. The quirkiest thing they sell, in my opinion, is neon green nightcrawlers, so of course I had to post a photo. After the thrift store I covered the afternoon proceedings of the second day of Ken Bluew's murder trial. I had a bit of a mini stare down with Bluew when his trial went on break. The judge, jury, and some of the observers had left to the courtroom for the short recess, and Bluew had turned around to face friends and family of his that had come to support him. As he was talking to them, I took some photos since it was my only chance to get his full face today, as he wouldn't be taking the stand today and would have his back to me the entire time. He did not look too pleased with the fact that I was taking his picture, and every time I pointed the camera at hime he made sure to look away, so unfortunately I don't have any photos of the major league glare he seemed to be directing my way. Either way, today you get a double feature of worms and Ken Bluew! By clicking on the photos you can view them larger, and to see more pictures from Bluew's trial and links to articles on the proceedings you can go on MLive here.
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