The 365 project is officially complete! I can't believe it's already been a year. This project has done nothing if not reinforce the fact that so much can change in just three-hundred and sixty-five days. One year ago, I was in a photographic rut and doing nothing but feeling sorry for myself. I was working a portrait studio job that I truly did not like, living back home in Ohio with my family, and feeling like all the hard work I had put towards getting a degree had been for nothing. I know, a bit overdramatic, but a rut is a rut is a rut.
I realized that if I wanted to get a job doing what I loved I needed to strengthen my portfolio. Working in a portrait studio that's main practice was taking pictures of children in between tantrums and dealing with rude parents was not going to do anything for my photojournalism and documentary portfolios. So I sucked it up and made myself commit to recording something new every day, whether it was a photograph, a video segment, or a piece of audio. Admittedly, I've taken far more photos than I have recorded audio or shot video for this project, but I digress.
That choice to not settle, to stop feeling sorry for myself when there was so much more I could be doing, has been one of the best decisions I've ever made. My mood improved considerably, I had a much higher tolerance for my portrait studio job, and I think my mother had less of a desire to smack me. It inspired me to go on a road trip out west like I've always talked about doing, and I got to see amazing things I'll never forget and make memories with one of my best friends that I'll always have. I could literally see my work and my portfolio strengthening every day, to the point that when I started applying for internships again, I finally got one.
Now, I have three months left in that internship. My portfolio has changed almost completely from what it was a year ago. While I have no idea what I'll be doing after my last day working for MLive up here in Michigan, things are looking up much more than they were a year ago. I've just started applying for other internships and jobs, and I'm attempting to save money to travel in the event that I don't have something else lined up when mid-June arrives.
365 days ago, things were looking a little bleak creatively. Now, 365 days later, things are great, and they can only get better. To those of you that have followed this project from the beginning, or have checked on it from time to time, or have just now randomly stumbled upon it, thank you for the support, and for coming with me. To show my appreciation, I'll now spam you with some of my favorite posts and some highlights from the past year.
Thanks for looking!
Love all the pictures! There will be people here in Bay City that will miss you if/when you leave, including me. Thank you so much for all the beautiful pictures you took of Jessica over the whole experience. Good luck in whatever you choose to do next.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, Amy! Meeting/getting to know you, Stacey, Jessica, and Brian has definitely been one of my favorite experiences from my time up here. I'm incredibly lucky to have been able to witness Jessica's story.