Today's photo's not that interesting compared to the past two weeks, I know. We were in the car all day today, stuck in traffic three-fourths of the time due to construction, and the rest of the drive was pretty boring. (The photo for today is a close-up of a strand of seashells our friend in Oregon gave us from the west coast that we wrapped around the car's rear-view mirror). We got home a few hours ago and I've been laying low ever since. It was an amazing trip; I still can't believe we got to see all of the things we did. I know we barely even scratched the surface, so I definitely plan to go back to quite a few of the places we explored, and plan to see other places that we didn't get a chance to check out as well. Tomorrow/Saturday I move to Michigan so that I can start my photojournalism internship this Monday. It's time for the next adventure! I have more photos from out west that I still have yet to edit, and I'm hoping to go through those once I get settled tomorrow, and after I finish editing my last Cleveland-based freelance assignment. I'll be sure to post a link on here when there are more photos up on my Flickr page, and when I've been able to add them to my website as well!
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